LiteLLM allows you to call all LLM APIs using the OpenAI format [Bedrock, Huggingface, VertexAI, TogetherAI, Azure, OpenAI, Groq etc.]. There are two main ways to use LiteLLM:

  1. Using the LiteLLM Python SDK
  2. Using the LiteLLM Proxy Server (LLM Gateway)

Getting started

First, ensure you have both opik and litellm packages installed:

$pip install opik litellm

In addition, you can configure Opik using the opik configure command which will prompt you for the correct local server address or if you are using the Cloud platform your API key:

$opik configure

Using Opik with the LiteLLM Python SDK

Logging LLM calls

In order to log the LLM calls to Opik, you will need to create the OpikLogger callback. Once the OpikLogger callback is created and added to LiteLLM, you can make calls to LiteLLM as you normally would:

1from litellm.integrations.opik.opik import OpikLogger
2import litellm
4opik_logger = OpikLogger()
5litellm.callbacks = [opik_logger]
7response = litellm.completion(
8 model="gpt-3.5-turbo",
9 messages=[
10 {"role": "user", "content": "Why is tracking and evaluation of LLMs important?"}
11 ]

Logging LLM calls within a tracked function

If you are using LiteLLM within a function tracked with the @track decorator, you will need to pass the current_span_data as metadata to the litellm.completion call:

1from opik import track
2from opik.opik_context import get_current_span_data
3from litellm.integrations.opik.opik import OpikLogger
4import litellm
6opik_logger = OpikLogger()
7litellm.callbacks = [opik_logger]
10def streaming_function(input):
11 messages = [{"role": "user", "content": input}]
12 response = litellm.completion(
13 model="gpt-3.5-turbo",
14 messages=messages,
15 metadata = {
16 "opik": {
17 "current_span_data": get_current_span_data(),
18 "tags": ["streaming-test"],
19 },
20 }
21 )
22 return response
24response = streaming_function("Why is tracking and evaluation of LLMs important?")
25chunks = list(response)

Using Opik with the LiteLLM Proxy Server

Configuring the LiteLLM Proxy Server

In order to configure the Opik logging, you will need to update the litellm_settings section in the LiteLLM config.yaml config file:

2 - model_name: gpt-4o
3 litellm_params:
4 model: gpt-4o
6 success_callback: ["opik"]

You can now start the LiteLLM Proxy Server and all LLM calls will be logged to Opik:

$litellm --config config.yaml

Using the LiteLLM Proxy Server

Each API call made to the LiteLLM Proxy server will now be logged to Opik:

$curl -X POST http://localhost:4000/v1/chat/completions -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
> "model": "gpt-4o",
> "messages": [
> {
> "role": "user",
> "content": "Hello!"
> }
> ]