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Log Traces

You can log traces to the Comet LLM Evaluation plaform using either the REST API or the opik Python SDK.

Using the Python SDK

To log traces to the Comet LLM Evaluation platform using the Python SDK, you will first need to install the SDK:

pip install opik

To finish setting up the SDK, you will need to configure the SDK with your Opik API key or the path to your local deployment using the opik configure. This command will walk you through the setup process:

import opik


If you are self-hosting the platform, simply set the use_local flag to True in the opik.configure method.

Once the SDK is installed, you can log traces to using one our Comet's integration, function decorators or manually.

Log using function decorators

Using Opik's function decorators is the easiest way to add Opik logging to your existing LLM application. We recommend using this method in conjuntion with one of our integrations for the most seamless experience.

Logging traces and spans

If you are manually defining your LLM chains and not using LangChain for example, you can use the track function decorators to track LLM calls:

from opik import track
import openai
from opik.integrations.openai import track_openai

openai_client = track_openai(openai.OpenAI())

def preprocess_input(text):
return text.strip().lower()

def generate_response(prompt):
response =
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": prompt}]
return response.choices[0].message.content

def postprocess_output(response):
return response.capitalize()

def llm_chain(input_text):
preprocessed = preprocess_input(input_text)
generated = generate_response(preprocessed)
postprocessed = postprocess_output(generated)
return postprocessed

# Use the LLM chain
result = llm_chain("Hello, how are you?")

If the track function decorators are used in conjunction with the track_openai or CometTracer callbacks, the LLM calls will be automatically logged to the corresponding trace.

Capturing inputs and ouputs

By default the track decorator will capture the input and output of the function you are decorating and will map these to the input and output of the span. You can control what is captured using the capture_input and capture_output parameters.

For example, if you don't want to capture the input and output of the function you can do:

from opik import track
from opik.opik_context import update_current_span

@track(capture_input=False, capture_output=False)
def my_function(input_text):
res = input_text.upper()

# Manually update the span with the input and output
update_current_span(input={"text": input_text}, output={"text": input_text.upper()})
return res

Log traces and spans manually

If you wish to log traces and spans manually, you can use the Comet client:

from opik import Opik

client = Opik(project_name="test")

# Create a trace
trace = client.trace(
input={"user_question": "Hello, how are you?"},
output={"response": "Comment ça va?"}

# Add a span
name="Add prompt template",
input={"text": "Hello, how are you?", "prompt_template": "Translate the following text to French: {text}"},
output={"text": "Translate the following text to French: hello, how are you?"}

# Add an LLM call
input={"prompt": "Translate the following text to French: hello, how are you?"},
output={"response": "Comment ça va?"}

# End the trace

Update trace and span attributes

You can access the Trace and Span objects to update their attributes. This is useful if you want to update the metadata attributes or log scores to a trace or span during the execution of the trace. This is achieved by using the update_current_trace and update_current_span functions:

from opik import track, opik_context

def llm_chain(input_text):
# LLM chain code
# ...

# Update the trace
{"name": "user_feedback", "value": 1.0, "reason": "The response was helpful and accurate."}

# Update the span

You can learn more about the Trace object in the Trace reference docs and the Span object in the Span reference docs.

Log scores to traces and spans

You can log scores to traces and spans using the log_traces_feedback_scores and log_spans_feedback_scores methods:

from opik import Opik

client = Opik()

trace = client.trace(name="my_trace")

{"id":, "name": "overall_quality", "value": 0.85, "reason": "The response was helpful and accurate."},
{"id":, "name": "coherence", "value": 0.75}

span = trace.span(name="my_span")
{"id":, "name": "overall_quality", "value": 0.85, "reason": "The response was helpful and accurate."},
{"id":, "name": "coherence", "value": 0.75}

If you want to log scores to traces or spans from within a decorated function, you can use the update_current_trace and update_current_span methods instead.

Advanced usage

Comet's logging functionality is designed with production environments in mind. To optimize performance, all logging operations are executed in a background thread.

If you want to ensure all traces are logged to Comet before exiting your program, you can use the Comet.flush method:

from opik import Opik

client = Opik()

# Log some traces