Opik’s MCP server
Opik’s MCP server allows you to integrate your IDE with Opik not just for prompt management bit also to access and analyze traces.
Setting up the MCP server
To integrate with Cursor IDE, open to the Cursor settings page and navigate
to the Features tab. If you scroll down to the MCP section you will see the
button + Add new MCP server
that will allow you to add the Opik MCP server.
Once the New MCP server modal is open, select command as the server type and
enter the command: npx -y opik-mcp --apiKey YOUR_API_KEY

Once the MCP server is available, you not test it out by asking Cursor:
What is the latest trace available in Opik ?
If you are using a self-hosted version of Opik, you will need to specify
the argument apiBaseUrl
while removing the --apiKey
npx -y opik-mcp --apiBaseUrl http://localhost:5173/api
Using the MCP server
The Opik MCP server includes a number of different tools that include project management, querying prompts and traces and fetching project metrics. We will focus here on querying prompts and traces as this is the most common way of using the Opik MCP server.
Prompt management
You can access and save Opik prompts using the MCP server. You can do this by asking questions such as:
What prompts are available in the Opik prompt library ?
What is the most recent version of the “demo” Opik prompt ?
Save the following text as a new prompt in Opik called “example prompt”
Managing traces
You can access traces stored in Opik from the MCP server, this is especially useful if you want to analyze traces stored in Opik to determine how to improve your agent or LLM chain.
To get started, you can ask questions such as:
What was the output of the most recent traces in Opik ?
How many traces have been logged to the “demo data” Opik project ?
You can also go one step further and use the traces logged to Opik to improve your prompts. One technique that works well involves first fetching traces and then asking the LLM to suggest an improvement based on these traces. while how to achieve this can vary from MCP client to MCP client, the following questions have worked well:
Based on the 10 most recent traces stored in the “demo data” Opik project, suggest some improvements to the orchestrator prompt.
Search for the most recent traces with high hallucination scores in the “demo data” Opik project and create a new prompt template.
Example conversation
Below is an example conversation one of our user had in Cursor that allowed them to improve their LLM Agent utilizing the Opik MCP server: