
Predibase is a platform for fine-tuning and serving open-source Large Language Models (LLMs). It’s built on top of open-source LoRAX.

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Tracking your LLM calls

Predibase can be used to serve open-source LLMs and is available as a model provider in LangChain. We will leverage the Opik integration with LangChain to track the LLM calls made using Predibase models.

Getting started

To use the Opik integration with Predibase, you’ll need to have both the opik, predibase and langchain packages installed. You can install them using pip:

$pip install --upgrade --quiet opik predibase langchain

You can then configure Opik using the opik configure command which will prompt you for the correct local server address or if you are using the Cloud platform your API key:

$opik configure

You will also need to set the PREDIBASE_API_TOKEN environment variable to your Predibase API token:

$export PREDIBASE_API_TOKEN=<your-predibase-api-token>

Tracing your Predibase LLM calls

In order to use Predibase through the LangChain interface, we will start by creating a Predibase model. We will then invoke the model with the Opik tracing callback:

1import os
2from langchain_community.llms import Predibase
3from opik.integrations.langchain import OpikTracer
5model = Predibase(
6 model="mistral-7b",
7 predibase_api_key=os.environ.get("PREDIBASE_API_TOKEN"),
10# Test the model with Opik tracing
11response = model.invoke(
12 "Can you recommend me a nice dry wine?",
13 config={
14 "temperature": 0.5,
15 "max_new_tokens": 1024,
16 "callbacks": [OpikTracer(tags=["predibase", "mistral-7b"])]
17 }

You can learn more about the Opik integration with LangChain in our LangChain integration guide or in the Predibase cookbook.

The trace will now be available in the Opik UI for further analysis.

Tracking your fine-tuning training runs

If you are using Predibase to fine-tune an LLM, we recommend using Predibase’s integration with Comet’s Experiment Management functionality. You can learn more about how to set this up in the Comet integration guide in the Predibase documentation. If you are already using an Experiment Tracking platform, worth checking if it has an integration with Predibase.