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The Opik SDK provides a simple way to integrate with Ragas, a framework for evaluating RAG systems.

There are two main ways to use Ragas with Opik:

  1. Using Ragas to score traces or spans.
  2. Using Ragas to evaluate a RAG pipeline.
You can check out the Colab Notebook if you'd like to jump straight to the code: Open In Colab

Getting started

You will first need to install the opik and ragas packages:

pip install opik ragas

In addition, you can configure Opik using the opik configure command which will prompt you for the correct local server address or if you are using the Cloud platfrom your API key:

opik configure

Using Ragas to score traces or spans

Ragas provides a set of metrics that can be used to evaluate the quality of a RAG pipeline, a full list of the supported metrics can be found in the Ragas documentation.

In addition to being able to track these feedback scores in Opik, you can also use the OpikTracer callback to keep track of the score calculation in Opik.

Due to the asynchronous nature of the score calculation, we will need to define a coroutine to compute the score:

import asyncio

# Import the metric
from ragas.metrics import AnswerRelevancy

# Import some additional dependencies
from langchain_openai.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain_openai.embeddings import OpenAIEmbeddings
from ragas.dataset_schema import SingleTurnSample
from ragas.embeddings import LangchainEmbeddingsWrapper
from ragas.integrations.opik import OpikTracer
from ragas.llms import LangchainLLMWrapper
from ragas.metrics import AnswerRelevancy

# Initialize the Ragas metric
llm = LangchainLLMWrapper(ChatOpenAI())
emb = LangchainEmbeddingsWrapper(OpenAIEmbeddings())
answer_relevancy_metric = AnswerRelevancy(llm=llm, embeddings=emb)

# Define the scoring function
def compute_metric(metric, row):
row = SingleTurnSample(**row)

opik_tracer = OpikTracer()

async def get_score(opik_tracer, metric, row):
score = await metric.single_turn_ascore(row, callbacks=[OpikTracer()])
return score

# Run the async function using the current event loop
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

result = loop.run_until_complete(get_score(opik_tracer, metric, row))
return result

Once the compute_metric function is defined, you can use it to score a trace or span:

from opik import track
from opik.opik_context import update_current_trace

def retrieve_contexts(question):
# Define the retrieval function, in this case we will hard code the contexts
return ["Paris is the capital of France.", "Paris is in France."]

def answer_question(question, contexts):
# Define the answer function, in this case we will hard code the answer
return "Paris"

@track(name="Compute Ragas metric score", capture_input=False)
def compute_rag_score(answer_relevancy_metric, question, answer, contexts):
# Define the score function
row = {"user_input": question, "response": answer, "retrieved_contexts": contexts}
score = compute_metric(answer_relevancy_metric, row)
return score

def rag_pipeline(question):
# Define the pipeline
contexts = retrieve_contexts(question)
answer = answer_question(question, contexts)

score = compute_rag_score(answer_relevancy_metric, question, answer, contexts)
feedback_scores=[{"name": "answer_relevancy", "value": round(score, 4)}]

return answer

print(rag_pipeline("What is the capital of France?"))

In the Opik UI, you will be able to see the full trace including the score calculation:

Ragas chain

Using Ragas to evaluate a RAG pipeline


We recommend using the Opik evaluation framework to evaluate your RAG pipeline. It shares similar concepts with the Ragas evaluate functionality but has a tighter integration with Opik.

If you are using the Ragas evaluate functionality, you can use the OpikTracer callback to keep track of the score calculation in Opik. This will track as traces the computation of each evaluation metric:

from datasets import load_dataset
from ragas.metrics import context_precision, answer_relevancy, faithfulness
from ragas import evaluate
from ragas.integrations.opik import OpikTracer

fiqa_eval = load_dataset("explodinggradients/fiqa", "ragas_eval")

# Reformat the dataset to match the schema expected by the Ragas evaluate function
dataset = fiqa_eval["baseline"].select(range(3))

dataset =
lambda x: {
"user_input": x["question"],
"reference": x["ground_truths"][0],
"retrieved_contexts": x["contexts"],

opik_tracer_eval = OpikTracer(tags=["ragas_eval"], metadata={"evaluation_run": True})

result = evaluate(
metrics=[context_precision, faithfulness, answer_relevancy],
