Using Opik with Guardrails AI
Guardrails AI is a framework for validating the inputs and outputs
For this guide we will use a simple example that logs guardrails validation steps as traces to Opik, providing them with the validation result tags.
Creating an account on
Comet provides a hosted version of the Opik platform, simply create an account and grab you API Key.
You can also run the Opik platform locally, see the installation guide for more information.
Preparing our environment
In order to use Guardrails AI, we will configure the OpenAI API Key, if you are using any other providers you can replace this with the required API key:
We will also need to install the guardrails check for politeness from the Guardrails Hub
Logging validation traces
In order to log traces to Opik, you will need to call the track the Guard object with track_guardrails
Every validation will now be logged to Opik as a trace
The trace will now be viewable in the Opik platform: