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Announcing Opik, our open source LLM evaluation platform!

More than a Statistic: Diversity in Data Science and Machine Learning

Diversity has become an HR catchphrase, but what does it really mean to be from an underrepresented group in tech? This webinar explores the ongoing discussions about diversity, equity, and inclusion in ML and data science.

Overcoming Machine Learning Development Challenges

In this webinar, Gideon Mendels shares the results of Comet’s 2021 ML Practitioner Survey and talks to Ancestry's Stanley Fujimoto about overcoming ML development challenges.

Reproducibility in ML Development

Reproducibility can be a barrier to ensuring positive outcomes and scaling great work. Learn about four aspects of reproducibility in ML and a five-point checklist for ensuring ML reproducibility across your organization.

Standardizing the Experiment #3: Understanding the Data

In this report, we perform exploratory data analysis on the HackerNews dataset. Our profiling script builds visualizations, extracts summary profiles, and logs samples of the data for reference. We investigate the relationship between our initial set of features and our target.

Standardizing the Experiment #2: Baseline Models (Performance Prediction)

As part of the Standardizing the Experiment Series, we present a report on a baseline post Performance Prediction Model for the HackerNews Dataset.

Standardizing the Experiment #2: Baseline Models (Topic Model)

As part of the Standardizing the Experiment Series, we present a report on a baseline Topic Model for the HackerNews Dataset.

Standardizing the Experiment #2: Baseline Models (Sentiment Analysis)

As part of the Standardizing the Experiment Series, we present a report on a baseline Sentiment Analysis Model for the HackerNews Dataset.

Comet Tips and Tricks

Here's a collection of tips and tricks in the Comet MLOps platform, including adding multiple metrics to a built-in chart panel, filtering experiments, setting experiments as baselines in a new project, and more.

Advanced ML: Multi-file Jobs

As the complexity of your training pipeline grows, you may find it beneficial to start modularizing code. In this report, we outline best practices for passing the Comet Experiment object between different files within a project.
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