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comet_ml.integration.gymnasium ¶

CometLogger ¶

CometLogger(env: gym.Env, experiment: comet_ml.Experiment)

Gymnasium Wrapper that logs the step length and cumulative reward for an episode to Comet


  • env (Env) –

    Gymnasium environment to wrap

  • experiment (Experiment) –

    The Comet Experiment object to use for experiment management

episode_counter property ¶


Returns the number of episodes that have passed. Incremented when .reset() is called

step_counter property ¶


Returns the number of times .step() has been called

close ¶


Cleans up the environment after the user has finished using it.

If the original environment wrapped by this object was also wrapped by a RecordVideo wrapper, this method will log the video files to Comet.

reset ¶


Resets length and reward counters and increments episode counter. Any arguments specified in kwargs are passed to Gymnasium enviroment as usual.

step ¶


Steps through the environment using given action. Episode reward, length and step counter are tracked.


  • action (ActType) –

    An action provided by the agent to update the environment state.

Feb. 19, 2025