Read Endpoints

Note that access to the Comet REST endpoints require the {'Authorization': ${COMET_API_KEY}} header. To get your API key, see Comet Python API Setup.

Get User Workspaces

GET /api/rest/v2/workspaces

Get a user's workspaces.

Example Response json { "workspaceNames": [ "team name", "another team name" ] }

Get Projects

GET /api/rest/v2/projects?workspaceName=aTeamName

Get a workspace's projects.

Example Response json { "projects": [ { "isPublic": "[boolean, true if this is a public project]", "lastUpdated": "[long, last time this project was updated in the DB]", "numberOfExperiments": "[integer, number of experiments in this project]", "ownerUserName": "Owner User Name", "projectDescription": "Project Description", "projectId": "aProjectId", "projectName": "Project Name", "workspaceId": "Team/workspace this project is in", "workspaceName": "Name of the team for team_id above" } ] }

Get Projects by Query

GET /api/rest/v2/projects/page?workspaceName=NAME&offset=INT&count=INT&sort=STR&order=STR&owner=STR&public=STR,starterProject=STR&search=STR

Get a page of projects by query variables

Example Response json { "filteredRowCount": 205, "rows": [ { "canEdit": true, "created_at": 1536971527000, "experimentCount": 772, "filteredRowCount": "205", "generalProject": true, "imagePath": "", "isInProjectTeam": false, "isPublic": false, "isStarterProject": false, "lastUpdated": 1643135859918, "lastUpdatedByUser": 1614970814926, "owner": true, "projectDesc": "Project Description", "projectId": "owner-NA", "projectName": "project-name", "teamId": "owner-default", "teamName": "owner", "totalRowCount": "205", "userName": "owner" } ], "totalRowCount": 205 } Note: added 2022/02/01

Get Registry Models

GET /api/rest/v2/registry-model?workspaceName=aTeamName

Get a workspace's registry models.

Example Response json { "registryModels": [ { "createdAt": "[long, when this model was created in the DB]", "description": "someDescription", "isPublic": "[Boolean]", "lastUpdated": "[long, last time this model was updated in the DB]", "latestVersion": { "comment": "someComment", "createdAt": "[long, when this model item was created in the DB]", "experimentModel": { "experimentKey": "someExperimentKey", "experimentModelId": "someExperimentModelId", "experimentModelName": "someExperimentModelName" }, "lastUpdated": "[long, last time this model item was updated in the DB]", "metadata": [ "metadata from first asset", "metadata from second asset" ], "registryModelItemId": "someRegistryModelItemId", "stages": [ "production", "staging" ], "userName": "someUserName", "version": "someVersion" }, "modelName": "someModelName", "registryModelId": "someRegistryModelId", "userName": "someUserName" } ] }

Get Registry Model Count

GET /api/rest/v2/registry-model/count?workspaceName=aTeamName

Get a count of a workspace's registry models.

Example Response json { "registryModelCount": 7 }

Get Registry Model Details

GET /api/rest/v2/registry-model/details?workspaceName=someWorkspaceName&modelName=someModelName

Get a registry model's details.

Example Response json { "createdAt": "[long, when this model was created in the DB]", "description": "someDescription", "isPublic": "[Boolean]", "lastUpdated": "[long, last time this model was updated in the DB]", "modelName": "someModelName", "registryModelId": "someRegistryModelId", "userName": "someUserName", "versions": [ { "assets": [ { "assetId": "someAssetId", "audio": "[Boolean, whether the asset is an audio file]", "canView": "[Boolean, whether the asset is viewable as an image]", "createdAt": "[Long, timestamp asset was created in DB]", "dir": "someDirectory", "fileName": "someFileName", "fileSize": "[Long, file size]", "histogram": "[Boolean, whether the asset is a histogram file]", "image": "[Boolean, whether the asset was stored as an image]", "link": "link to download asset file", "metadata": "Metadata associated with the asset", "runContext": "someRunContext", "step": "[Integer, step asset was logged during]", "type": "the type of asset" } ], "comment": "someComment", "createdAt": "[long, when this model item was created in the DB]", "experimentModel": { "experimentKey": "someExperimentKey", "experimentModelId": "someExperimentModelId", "experimentModelName": "someExperimentModelName" }, "lastUpdated": "[long, last time this model item was updated in the DB]", "registryModelItemId": "someRegistryModelItemId", "stages": [ "production", "staging" ], "userName": "someUserName", "version": "someVersion" } ] }

Get Registry Model Notes

GET /api/rest/v2/registry-model/notes?workspaceName=someWorkspaceName&modelName=someModelName

Get a registry model's notes.

Example Response json { "notes": "Potentially very long notes string" }

Download Registry Model Version

GET /api/rest/v2/registry-model/item/download?workspaceName=someWorkspaceName&modelName=someModelName&version=someVersion

Download a zip file of a registry model version.

Example Response json "[Raw stream of zip file as octet-stream]"

Get Project

GET /api/rest/v2/project?projectId=someProjectId
GET /api/rest/v2/project?projectName=pname&workspaceName=aTeamName

Get details on a project.

Example Response json { "isPublic": "[boolean, true if this is a public project]", "lastUpdated": "[long, last time this project was updated in the DB]", "numberOfExperiments": "[integer, number of experiments in this project]", "ownerUserName": "Owner User Name", "projectDescription": "Project Description", "projectId": "aProjectId", "projectName": "Project Name", "workspaceId": "Team/workspace this project is in", "workspaceName": "Name of the team for team_id above" }

Get Project Columns

GET /api/rest/v2/project/column-names?projectId=someProjectId&archived=false
GET /api/rest/v2/project/column-names?projectName=pname&workspaceName=ws&archived=false

Get a project's columns. These are the items that can be queried.

Example Response json { "columns": [ { "id": "unique-column-id", "name": "Column Name", "source": "one of: metrics, params, log_other, metadata, tag, or env_details", "type": "one of: double, string, datetime, boolean, or timenumber" } ] }

Apply Project Query

POST /api/rest/v2/project/query

Apply a query to a project.

Example Request

json { "archived": "[boolean: if true search for archived experiments. Optional]", "predicates": "Json Predicates for search here, example below", "projectId": "someProjectId", "projectName": "someProjectName", "workspaceName": "someWorkspaceName" }

Example Response json { "experimentKeys": [ "KEY", "anotherExperimentKey" ], "experimentsInProject": "[int count of experiments in project, including all those filtered out. If archived was true this is the archived experiment count]" } Note: An example predicate: json [ { "source": "metrics", "query": { "condition": "AND", "rules": [ { "id": "columnNameA", "field": "columnNameA", "type": "double", "input": "text", "operator": "greater", "value": 1 } ], "valid": true } } ]

Get Project Notes

GET /api/rest/v2/project/notes?projectId=PROJECTID

Get a project's notes.

Example Response json { "notes": "someProjectNotes" }

GET /api/rest/v2/project/get-project-share-links?projectId=PROJECT-ID

Get a Project's share links

Example Response json { "shareCodes": [ "37645346359823" ] } Note: added 2022/02/01

Get Multi Metric Chart

POST /api/rest/v2/experiments/multi-metric-chart

Get multi-metric chart data.

Example Request

json { "fetchFull": "[Boolean, whether to fetch all values (up to 15,000) or a sampled subset (about 500 points)]", "independentMetrics": "[Boolean, whether the metrics should be fetched individually or as a correlated whole (only return values for steps for which you have values for every requested metric name)]", "metrics": [ "someMetricName", "anotherMetricName" ], "params": [ "someParameterName", "anotherParameterName" ], "targetedExperiments": [ "KEY", "anotherExperimentKey" ] }

Example Response json { "empty": "[Boolean, whether any metrics were returned]", "experiments": { "KEY": { "experimentKey": "KEY", "metrics": [ { "durations": [ "[Long, time between each value and the previous value, 0 for the first]" ], "metricName": "someMetricName", "steps": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "timestamps": [ "[Long, list of timestamps of metric values]" ], "values": [ 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 ] } ], "params": { "anotherParam": "whatever value you want", "someParam": "8675309" }, "steps": [ 1, 2, 3 ] } } }

Get Experiments

GET /api/rest/v2/experiments?projectId=someProjectId&archived=false
GET /api/rest/v2/experiments?projectName=pname&workspaceName=wsname&archived=false

Get a project's experiments.

Example Response json { "experiments": [ { "durationMillis": "[long, How long the experiment ran for]", "endTimeMillis": "[long, As recorded by the backend, when this experiment ended]", "experimentKey": "SomeExperimentKey", "experimentName": "SomeExperimentName", "optimizationId": "optimization run associated with this experiment, if any", "startTimeMillis": "[long, As recorded by the backend, when this experiment started]" } ] }

Get Experiment Metadata

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/metadata?experimentKey=KEY

Get an experiment's metadata.

Example Response json { "durationMillis": "someDurationMillis", "endTimeMillis": "someEndTimeMillis", "experimentKey": "KEY", "experimentName": "someExperimentName", "optimizationId": "someOptimizationId", "projectId": "someProjectId", "projectName": "someProjectName", "startTimeMillis": "someStartTimeMillis", "workspaceName": "someWorkspaceName" }

Get Experiment Git Metadata

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/git/metadata?experimentKey=KEY

Get the git metadata of an experiment.

Example Response json { "branch": "gitBranch", "origin": "gitOrigin", "parent": "gitParent", "root": "gitRoot", "user": "gitUser" }

Get Experiment Git Patch

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/git/patch?experimentKey=KEY

Get the git patch of an experiment.

Example Response json "[Raw stream of git patch as octet-stream]"

Get Experiment Html

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/html?experimentKey=KEY

Get an experiment's HTML.

Example Response json { "html": "Html for Experiment" }

Get Experiment Code

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/code?experimentKey=KEY

Get an experiment's source code.

Example Response json { "code": "Code for Experiment" }

Get Experiment Output

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/output?experimentKey=KEY

Get an experiment's standard output and error.

Example Response json { "output": "stdout and stderr output for Experiment, with '\n' delimiters" }

Get Experiment Graph

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/graph?experimentKey=KEY

Get an experiment's model graph.

Example Response json { "graph": "Graph for Experiment" }

Get Experiment Cloud Details

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/cloud-details?experimentKey=KEY

Get an experiment's cloud details.

Example Response json { "experimentKey": null, "metadata": null, "provider": null } Note: added 2022/02/01

Get All Metrics For Name

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/metrics/get-metric?experimentKey=KEY&metricName=NAME

Get all metric values for a metric name.

Example Response json { "metrics": [ { "epoch": "[long, epoch this metric is from]", "metricName": "someMetricName", "metricValue": "someMetricValue", "offset": "[Long, offset that this metric was sent as]", "runContext": "someRunContext", "step": "[long, step this metric is from]", "timestamp": "[long, time this metric was recorded]" } ] }

Get Metrics Summary

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/metrics/summary?experimentKey=KEY

Get an experiment's metrics summary.

Example Response json { "values": [ { "name": "someName", "runContextCurrent": "run context of last value", "runContextMax": "run context of max value", "runContextMin": "run context of min value", "stepCurrent": "[long, step current value is from]", "stepMax": "[long, step max value is from]", "stepMin": "[long, step min value is from]", "timestampCurrent": "[long, time last value was recorded]", "timestampMax": "[long, time max value was recorded]", "timestampMin": "[long, time min value was recorded]", "valueCurrent": "last value", "valueMax": "max value", "valueMin": "min value" } ] }

Get Parameters

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/parameters?experimentKey=KEY

Get an experiment's parameters summary.

Example Response json { "values": [ { "name": "someName", "runContextCurrent": "run context of last value", "runContextMax": "run context of max value", "runContextMin": "run context of min value", "stepCurrent": "[long, step current value is from]", "stepMax": "[long, step max value is from]", "stepMin": "[long, step min value is from]", "timestampCurrent": "[long, time last value was recorded]", "timestampMax": "[long, time max value was recorded]", "timestampMin": "[long, time min value was recorded]", "valueCurrent": "last value", "valueMax": "max value", "valueMin": "min value" } ] }

Get Others

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/log-other?experimentKey=KEY

Get an experiment's others (logged with log-other) summary.

Example Response json { "values": [ { "name": "someName", "runContextCurrent": "run context of last value", "runContextMax": "run context of max value", "runContextMin": "run context of min value", "stepCurrent": "[long, step current value is from]", "stepMax": "[long, step max value is from]", "stepMin": "[long, step min value is from]", "timestampCurrent": "[long, time last value was recorded]", "timestampMax": "[long, time max value was recorded]", "timestampMin": "[long, time min value was recorded]", "valueCurrent": "last value", "valueMax": "max value", "valueMin": "min value" } ] }

Get Tags

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/tags?experimentKey=KEY

Get an experiment's tags.

Example Response json { "tags": [ "a tag", "another tag" ] }

Get System Details

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/system-details?experimentKey=KEY

Get an experiment's system details.

Example Response json { "command": [ "", "-arg", "theArgument" ], "executable": "/usr/local/bin/python", "experimentKey": "KEY", "gpuStaticInfoList": [ { "gpuIndex": "[Integer, index]", "name": "name", "powerLimit": "[Integer, max power used????]", "totalMemory": "[Integer, total memory used???]", "uuid": "someUniqueId" } ], "hostname": "hostname", "installedPackages": [ "package", "anotherPackage" ], "ip": "ip address", "logAdditionalSystemInfoList": [ { "key": "someKey", "value": "someValue" } ], "maxTotalMemory": "[double, max memory used]", "networkInterfaceIps": [ "ip", "anotherIp" ], "os": "os with version info", "osPackages": [ "package", "anotherPackage" ], "osType": "os experiment ran on", "pid": "[Integer, pid]", "pythonVersion": "python version", "pythonVersionVerbose": "python version with verbose flag", "systemMetricNames": [ "name", "anotherName" ], "user": "system username" }

Get Asset List

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/asset/list?experimentKey=KEY&type=all

Get an experiment's asset list.

Example Response json { "assets": [ { "assetId": "someAssetId", "audio": "[Boolean, whether the asset is an audio file]", "canView": "[Boolean, whether the asset is viewable as an image]", "createdAt": "[Long, timestamp asset was created in DB]", "dir": "someDirectory", "fileName": "someFileName", "fileSize": "[Long, file size]", "histogram": "[Boolean, whether the asset is a histogram file]", "image": "[Boolean, whether the asset was stored as an image]", "link": "link to download asset file", "metadata": "Metadata associated with the asset", "remote": false, "runContext": "someRunContext", "step": "[Integer, step asset was logged during]", "tags": [], "type": "the type of asset" } ] } Note: allowed types: all, unknown, audio, video, image, histogram3d, histogram_combined_3d, confusion-matrix

Get Asset Details

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/asset/details?experimentKey=KEY&assetId=someAssetId

Get the asset details. This is the same information returned by experiment/asset/list but for a single assitId

Example Response json { "assetId": "someAssetId", "audio": "[Boolean, whether the asset is an audio file]", "canView": "[Boolean, whether the asset is viewable as an image]", "createdAt": "[Long, timestamp asset was created in DB]", "dir": "someDirectory", "fileName": "someFileName", "fileSize": "[Long, file size]", "histogram": "[Boolean, whether the asset is a histogram file]", "image": "[Boolean, whether the asset was stored as an image]", "link": "link to download asset file", "metadata": "Metadata associated with the asset", "remote": false, "runContext": "someRunContext", "step": "[Integer, step asset was logged during]", "tags": [], "type": "the type of asset" } Note: added 2022/02/01

Get Asset

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/asset/get-asset?experimentKey=KEY&assetId=someAssetId

Get an asset.

Example Response json "[Raw binary stream of asset or JSON {'msg':'no patch for experiment','code':200,'data':null,'sdk_error_code':0}]"

Get Experiment Model List

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/model?experimentKey=KEY

Get the list of models created by a given experiment.

Example Response json { "models": [ { "experimentKey": "KEY", "experimentModelId": "someExperimentModelId", "modelName": "someExperimentModelName" } ] }

Get Experiment Model Asset List

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/model/asset/list?experimentKey=KEY&modelName=myExperimentModelName

Get the list of assets for a particular experiment model.

Example Response json { "assets": [ { "assetId": "someAssetId", "audio": "[Boolean, whether the asset is an audio file]", "canView": "[Boolean, whether the asset is viewable as an image]", "createdAt": "[Long, timestamp asset was created in DB]", "dir": "someDirectory", "fileName": "someFileName", "fileSize": "[Long, file size]", "histogram": "[Boolean, whether the asset is a histogram file]", "image": "[Boolean, whether the asset was stored as an image]", "link": "link to download asset file", "metadata": "Metadata associated with the asset", "runContext": "someRunContext", "step": "[Integer, step asset was logged during]", "type": "the type of asset" } ] }

Download Experiment Model

GET /api/rest/v2/experiment/model/download?experimentKey=KEY&modelName=myExperimentModelName

Download a zip file of an experiment model.

Example Response json "[Raw stream of zip file as octet-stream]"

Download Artifact

GET /api/rest/v2/artifacts/version/download?workspace=NAME&project=ID&artifactName=NAME&artifactId=ID&versionId=ID&version=VER&alias=ALIAS&versionOrAlias=WHICH&experimentKey=KEY

Download an artifact

Example Response json "[Raw binary of asset]" Note: added 2022/02/01

Get Store

GET /api/rest/v2/viz-instance/store/get?instanceId=INSTANCE_ID&projectId=PROJECT_ID

Get an entire store.

Example Response json "{'store': '{key1: value1, ...}'}"

Get Account Details

GET /api/rest/v2/account-details?userName=USERNAME&defaultWorkspaceName=WORKSPACE

Get account details from authenticated user's apiKey in header

Example Response json { "defaultWorkspaceName": "WORKSPACE", "userName": "USERNAME" }

Get Panels in workspace

GET /api/rest/v2/code-panel/get-all?workspace=NAME

Get a list of metadata for all panels in workspace

Example Response json { "codePanelTemplateRows": [ { "createdAt": 1584445331784, "owner": "owner", "queryBuilderId": "", "revisionId": 1596673911412, "scopeType": "PUBLIC", "teamId": "owner-default", "templateId": "SzUYHmX7hnR7KrLzU1tBrHilq", "templateName": "Panel Name" } ] } Note: added 2022/02/01

Get Panel JSON

GET /api/rest/v2/code-panel/download?templateId=TEMPLATE-ID
GET /api/rest/v2/code-panel/download?instanceId=INSTANCE-ID

Get the Panel JSON

Example Response json { "code": { "code": "// JavaScript Code", "css": "/** CSS **/", "defaultConfig": "\"\"", "description": "Panel Description", "html": "<div id=\"chart-mount\"></div>", "internalResources": [ { "enabled": true, "name": "Comet SDK", "version": "latest" }, { "enabled": true, "name": "Plotly.js", "version": "1.50.1" } ], "pyCode": "## Python Code", "pyConfig": "", "type": "py", "userResources": [] }, "createdAt": 1642709054465, "editable": true, "owner": "owner", "queryBuilderId": "", "rank": { "templateId": "DyfpvKGZJvrtY1jjsYuMmLgz5", "userVoteType": "NOVOTE", "voteCount": 0 }, "revisionId": 1642709054245, "scopeType": "PRIVATE", "teamId": "owner-default", "templateId": "DyfpvKGZJvrtY1jjsYuMmLgz5", "templateName": "Panel Name", "thumbnailName": "template-thumbnail-DyfpvKGZJvrtY1jjsYuMmLgz5" } Note: added 2022/02/01

Download Panel as Zipfile

GET /api/rest/v2/template/{templateId}/download

Download the contents of a Panel as zipfile contents.

Example Response json "[Raw binary stream of compress panel JSON]" Note: added 2022/02/01

Get Dashboard Template List

GET /api/rest/v2/dashboard-template/get-all?workspace=WORKSPACE-NAME

Get a list of dashboard template JSON objects

Example Response json { "dashboardTemplates": [ { "createdBy": "owner", "projectId": "035669d7f91a4ac7a3058fba0c7AAA", "projectName": "Project Name", "templateId": "owner-unsaved-035669d7f91a4ac7a3058fba0c7264b0", "templateName": "Template Name" } ] } Note: added 2022/02/01

Download Dashboard

GET /api/rest/v2/dashboard-template/download?projectId=PROJECT-ID&templateId=TEMPLATE-ID

Download a dashboard template

Example Response json { "codePanelTemplateIds": [], "created_by": "owner", "current": false, "dashboardChartState": "{\"downsample_size\":1000,\"entire_row_charts\":false, ...}", "experimentQueryState": "{\"filters\":[],\"activeSegment\":{}}", "isAutoRefreshEnabled": true, "pinnedExperiments": [], "project_default": false, "project_id": "ff9f723aa70f4fb6a2e6f3d23f6fe848", "reactGridTableState": "{\"selection\":[],\"pageSize\":25,\"pageNumber\":0, ...}", "source": "", "template_id": "ipPl7zaLAX9aNa9bwoCaY6HBi", "template_name": "ARP", "unsaved_view": false, "v2": { "reactGridTableState": "{\"selection\":[],\"pageSize\":25, ...}", "toggles": { "DASHBOARD_TOGGLE": { "isVisible": true, "toggleId": "DASHBOARD_TOGGLE" }, "EXPERIMENT_TABLE_TOGGLE": { "isVisible": true, "toggleId": "EXPERIMENT_TABLE_TOGGLE" } } } } Note: added 2022/02/01

Get an Optimizer's Best Experiment

GET /api/rest/v2/get-best-experiment?optimizationId=OPTIMIZATION-ID&metricName=METRIC-NAME&goal=MIN-OR-MAX

Get an optimizer's best experiment so far.

Example Response json { "experimentCount": 12, "experimentKey": "5e6dbb408c694d1cb6e7ca4edc80b921", "metricValue": 0.010686935856938362 } Note: added 2022/02/01

Get Webhook Configuration

GET /api/rest/v2/webhooks/config?workspaceName=aTeamName&modelName=someModelName

Get the configuration for a webhook. The webhook notifies about any change in the Stage status of a specific registered model, or of any registered model in a specific workspace.

Example Response json { "modelName": "some-model", "webhookUrls": [ { "header": { "Authorization": "secret_token", "Other": "other_info" }, "url": "https://{customer-webhook-url-a}" } ], "workspaceName": "some-workspace" }