Comet Javascript SDK¶
This page documents the Comet JavaScript SDK.
See also:
Note: almost all of the following methods return a Promise.
Kind: global class
Access: public
- new API(apiKey)
- .getVersion() ⇒
- .experimentURL(experimentKey) ⇒
- .experimentMetadata(experimentKey) ⇒
- .experimentTags(experimentKey) ⇒
- .workspaces() ⇒
- .projects(workspace) ⇒
- .projectNotes(projectId) ⇒
- .projectMetadata(projectId) ⇒
- .get([workspace], [project], [experiment]) ⇒
- .experimentsByProjectName(workspace, project) ⇒
- .experimentsByProjectId(projectId) ⇒
- .experimentHtml(experimentKey) ⇒
- .experimentCode(experimentKey) ⇒
- .experimentOutput(experimentKey) ⇒
- .experimentInstalledPackages(experimentKey) ⇒
- .experimentSystemDetails(experimentKey) ⇒
- .experimentGraph(experimentKey) ⇒
- .experimentImages(experimentKey) ⇒
- .experimentParameters(experimentKey, [name]) ⇒
- .experimentMetricsSummary(experimentKey, [metricName]) ⇒
- .experimentOther(experimentKey, [other], [value]) ⇒
- .experimentName(experimentKey, [maxLength]) ⇒
- .experimentMetric(experimentKey, [metricName], [interval]) ⇒
- .experimentMetricsForChart(targetsExperiments, metrics, parameters, independentMetrics, fetchFull) ⇒
- .experimentAssets(experimentKey) ⇒
- .experimentAssetByName(experimentKey, fileName, [returnType]) ⇒
- .experimentCurves(experimentKey)
- .experimentAsset(experimentKey, assetId, [returnType]) ⇒
- .store(key, value)
- .getFromStore(key)
- .getStore()
new API(apiKey)¶
summary Comet Javascript SDK
Returns: API
- API instance
Param | Type |
apiKey | string |
api.getVersion() ⇒ string
Kind: instance method of API
Summary: Returns the REST version string for this API instance.
Returns: string
- the version string
Access: public
api.experimentURL(experimentKey) ⇒ string
Returns the URL for the experiment.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: string
- the url
Access: public
Param | Type |
experimentKey | string |
api.experimentMetadata(experimentKey) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for the metadata for the given experimentKey.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- Promise of an object of metadata
Access: public
Param | Type |
experimentKey | string |
api.experimentMetadata('7387462874624747').then(result => { console.log(results); });
{'archived': false, 'durationMillis': 72, 'endTimeMillis': 1572435457349, 'experimentKey': "5a67221477dc5d76b37d10adbe41486d", 'experimentName': null, 'optimizationId': null, 'projectId': "0306c896110140a2aaa24e54dbb40e6b", 'projectName': "my-project-name", 'startTimeMillis': 1572435384908, 'workspaceName': "myworkspace" } ```
api.experimentTags(experimentKey) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for the list of tags for the given experimentKey.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- Promise of an object of a list of tags
Access: public
Param | Type |
experimentKey | string |
api.experimentTags('7387462874624747').then(result => { console.log(results); });
api.workspaces() ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for an array of workspace names for the current Comet user.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- the Promise of an array of string names
Access: public
api.workspaces().then(result => { console.log(results); });
['workspace1', 'workspace2', 'workspace3'] ```
api.projects(workspace) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for an array of project JSON objects for the given workspace.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- an array of JSON project objects
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
workspace | string |
the name of the workspace |
api.projects('workspace').then(result => { console.log(results); });
[ { "projectId": "NA", "projectName": "general", "projectDescription": "View all experiments that aren't assigned to a project.", "ownerUserName": "username", "workspaceId": "workspace ID", "workspaceName": "workspace name", "isPublic": false, "numberOfExperiments": 1, "lastUpdated": 1527183924215 } ] ```
api.projectNotes(projectId) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for the string of project notes.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- Promise of a string of notes in markdown
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
projectId | string |
the name of the project |
api.projectNotes(projectId).then(result => { console.log(results); });
api.projectMetadata(projectId) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for the project metadata.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- Promise of the project metadata
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
projectId | string |
the name of the project |
api.projectMetadata(projectId).then(result => { console.log(results); });
{ "public": true, "lastUpdated": 1587065944275, "numberOfExperiments": 5, "ownerUserName": "username", "projectDescription": "Project Description", "projectId": "aProjectId", "projectName": "Project Name", "workspaceName": "Name of the workspace" } ```
api.get([workspace], [project], [experiment]) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for an array of names or objects.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- an array of workspaces, projects, or
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
[workspace] | string |
the name of the "workspace", "workspace/project", or "workspace/project/experiment". |
[project] | string |
the name of the project |
[experiment] | string |
the name of the experiment |
api.get().then(result => { console.log(results); });
['general', 'workspace1']
api.get('workspace1').then(result => { console.log(results); });
[{"lastUpdated": 1572435457347, numberOfExperiments: 1, ownerUserName: "user", projectDescription: "Project Description", projectId: "0306c897310140a1aaa24ea4343430e6b", projectName: "project1", public: false, workspaceName: "user", }]
api.get('workspace1/project1').then(result => { console.log(results); });
["4d51ea0c5ebb48eea3465f3ad0ba12b3", "dfae44c27ebe41ef9231fc35eae137e8", ...]
api.get('workspace1/project¼d51ea0c5ebb48eea3465f3ad0ba12b3').then(result => { console.log(results); });
{ "durationMillis": 0, "startTimeMillis": 1527184671290, "endTimeMillis": 1527184671290, "experimentKey": "4d51ea0c5ebb48eea3465f3ad0ba12b3", "experimentName": "someExperimentName", "optimizationId": "someOptimizationId", "archived": false, "projectName": "project1", "projectId": "someProjectId", "workspaceName": "workspace1", } ```
api.experimentsByProjectName(workspace, project) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for an array of experiment JSON objects.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- an array of experiment JSON objects
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
workspace | string |
the name of the workspace |
project | string |
the name of the project |
api.experimentsByProjectName('workspace1', 'project1').then(result => { console.log(results); });
[ { "durationMillis": 0, "startTimeMillis": 1527184671290, "endTimeMillis": 1527184671290, "experimentKey": "someExperimentKey", "experimentName": "someExperimentName", "optimizationId": "someOptimizationId", "archived": false, "projectName": "someProjectName", "projectId": "someProjectId", "workspaceName": "someWorkspaceName", } ] ```
api.experimentsByProjectId(projectId) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for an array of experiment JSON objects given a project id.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- an array of experiment JSON objects
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
projectId | string |
the name of the project |
api.experimentsByProjectId('project-uuid').then(result => { console.log(results); });
[ { "durationMillis": 0, "startTimeMillis": 1527184671290, "endTimeMillis": 1527184671290, "experimentKey": "someExperimentKey", "experimentName": "someExperimentName", "optimizationId": "someOptimizationId", "archived": false, "projectName": "someProjectName", "projectId": "someProjectId", "workspaceName": "someWorkspaceName", } ] ```
api.experimentHtml(experimentKey) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for the HTML associated with the experiment or null.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- the HTML string of the experiment or
null if there is no HTML.
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
experimentKey | string |
the experiment key |
api.experimentHtml('experimentKey1').then(result => { console.log(results); });
api.experimentCode(experimentKey) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for the source code associated with the experiment or null.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- the source code as a string of the
experiment or null if there is no source code.
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
experimentKey | string |
the experiment key |
api.experimentCode('experimentKey1').then(result => { console.log(results); });
'print("The Source Code")' ```
api.experimentOutput(experimentKey) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for the standard output associated with the experiment or null.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- the output as a string of the
experiment or null if there is no output.
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
experimentKey | string |
the experiment key |
api.experimentOutput('experimentKey1').then(result => { console.log(results); });
'The Output of the Program' ```
api.experimentInstalledPackages(experimentKey) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for an Array of installed packages associated with the experiment.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- an Array of Python packages in "package=version" format.
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
experimentKey | string |
the experiment key |
api.experimentInstalledPackages('experimentKey1').then(result => { console.log(results); });
['pip=19.01', 'comet=1.0.28'] ```
api.experimentSystemDetails(experimentKey) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for an Object of JSON system details associated with the experiment.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- an Object of JSON system details.
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
experimentKey | string |
the experiment key |
api.experimentSystemDetails('experimentKey1').then(result => { console.log(results); });
{command: ["/usr/local/bin/pytest", ...], executable: "/usr/local/bin/python", experimentKey: "4d51ea0c5ebb48eea3465f3ad0ba12b3", gpuStaticInfoList: [], hostname: "b94cd9a8ee38", installedPackages: ["atomicwrites==1.3.0", ...], ip: "", logAdditionalSystemInfoList: [], maxTotalMemory: null, networkInterfaceIps: (2) ["", ""], os: "Linux-4.15.0-1057-oem-x86_64-with-debian-10.1", osPackages: [], osType: "Linux", pid: 6, pythonVersion: "3.6.9", pythonVersionVerbose: "3.6.9 (default, Sep 12 2019, 16:23:48) \n[GCC 8.3.0]", systemMetricNames: ["sys.cpu.percent.01", ...], totalRam: null, user: "root", } ```
api.experimentGraph(experimentKey) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for the graph associated with the experiment's model, or null.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- the graph as a string of the
experiment's model or null if there is no graph.
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
experimentKey | string |
the experiment key |
api.experimentGraph('experimentKey1').then(result => { console.log(results); });
api.experimentImages(experimentKey) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for an Array of image JSON objects associated with the experiment.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- array of JSON image objects
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
experimentKey | string |
the experiment key |
api.experimentImages('experimentKey1').then(result => { console.log(results); });
[ { "apiKey": "someApiKey", "runId": "someRunId0123456789012345", "experimentKey": "someExperimentKey", "projectId": null, "figCounter": 123, "figName": "imageName", "step": 12312, "runContext": "contextA", "fileName": "", "imagePath": "" } ] ```
api.experimentParameters(experimentKey, [name]) ⇒ Promise
If no parameter name is given, then it returns a Promise of an Array of parameter JSON objects associated with the experiment. If a parameter name is given, then it returns a Promise of the valueCurrent of the parameter.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- array of JSON parameter objects or
value of given parameter name
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
experimentKey | string |
the experiment key |
[name] | string |
the name of the parameter |
api.experimentParameters('experimentKey1').then(result => { console.log(result); });
[ { "name": "nameA", "valueMax": "valueA", "valueMin": "valueA", "valueCurrent": "valueA", "timestampMax": 1527266735622, "timestampMin": 1527266735622, "timestampCurrent": 1527266735622, "runContextMax": "", "runContextMin": "", "runContextCurrent": "", "stepMax": null, "stepMin": null, "stepCurrent": null }, { "name": "nameB", "valueMax": "valueB", "valueMin": "valueB", "valueCurrent": "valueB", "timestampMax": 1538888303, "timestampMin": 1538888303, "timestampCurrent": 1538888303, "runContextMax": "", "runContextMin": "", "runContextCurrent": "", "stepMax": null, "stepMin": null, "stepCurrent": null } ]
api.experimentParameters('experimentKey1', 'nameA').then(result => { console.log(result); });
[ { "name": "nameA", "valueMax": "valueA", "valueMin": "valueA", "valueCurrent": "valueA", "timestampMax": 1527266735622, "timestampMin": 1527266735622, "timestampCurrent": 1527266735622, "runContextMax": "", "runContextMin": "", "runContextCurrent": "", "stepMax": null, "stepMin": null, "stepCurrent": null } ] ```
api.experimentMetricsSummary(experimentKey, [metricName]) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for a JSON object that has the summary data of the given metric, or a list of the JSON objects for each metric if no metricName is given.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- JSON metric object, or Array of
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
experimentKey | string |
the experiment key |
[metricName] | string |
the name of the metric |
api.experimentMetricsSummary('experimentKey1', 'someNameA').then(result => { console.log(results); });
{ "name": "someNameA", "valueMax": "1.123", "valueMin": "1.123", "valueCurrent": "1.123", "timestampMax": 1527266664729, "timestampMin": 1527266664729, "timestampCurrent": 1527266664729, "runContextMax": null, "runContextMin": null, "runContextCurrent": null, "stepMax": null, "stepMin": null, "stepCurrent": null }
api.experimentMetricsSummary('experimentKey1').then(result => { console.log(results); });
[ { "name": "someNameA", "valueMax": "1.123", "valueMin": "1.123", "valueCurrent": "1.123", "timestampMax": 1527266664729, "timestampMin": 1527266664729, "timestampCurrent": 1527266664729, "runContextMax": null, "runContextMin": null, "runContextCurrent": null, "stepMax": null, "stepMin": null, "stepCurrent": null }, { "name": "someNameB", "valueMax": "42", "valueMin": "40", "valueCurrent": "41", "timestampMax": 1727266664729, "timestampMin": 1727266664729, "timestampCurrent": 1727266664729, "runContextMax": null, "runContextMin": null, "runContextCurrent": null, "stepMax": null, "stepMin": null, "stepCurrent": null } ] ```
api.experimentOther(experimentKey, [other], [value]) ⇒ Promise
If no other name is given, then it returns a Promise of an Array of all other JSON objects associated with the experiment. If a name is given, then it returns a Promise of the JSON object of given item. If a value is also given, then it will return a Promise of the JSON field of that name.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- array of JSON logged other
items, or a single matching JSON object, or the field of that
JSON object.
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
experimentKey | string |
the experiment key |
[other] | string |
the name of the logged item |
[value] | string |
the field of the JSON object |
api.experimentOther('experimentKey1').then(result => { console.log(results); });
[ { "name": "key", "valueMax": "value", "valueMin": "value", "valueCurrent": "value", "timestampMax": 1527266796121, "timestampMin": 1527266796121, "timestampCurrent": 1527266796121, "runContextMax": null, "runContextMin": null, "runContextCurrent": null, "stepMax": null, "stepMin": null, "stepCurrent": null } ]
api.experimentOther('experimentKey1', 'key').then(result => { console.log(results); });
{ "name": "key", "valueMax": "value", "valueMin": "value", "valueCurrent": "value", "timestampMax": 1527266796121, "timestampMin": 1527266796121, "timestampCurrent": 1527266796121, "runContextMax": null, "runContextMin": null, "runContextCurrent": null, "stepMax": null, "stepMin": null, "stepCurrent": null }
api.experimentOther('experimentKey1', 'key', 'valueMax').then(result => { console.log(results); });
api.experimentName(experimentKey, [maxLength]) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for the name of this experiment (if one) or key. The return value is limited in length if maxLength is given;
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- the name of the experiment key.
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
experimentKey | string |
the experiment key |
[maxLength] | number |
the maximum length of name or key |
api.experimentName('experimentKey1').then(result => { console.log(results); }); 'name given via experiment.set_name("name")'
api.experimentName('experimentKey1', 9) 'name give'
api.experimentMetric(experimentKey, [metricName], [interval]) ⇒ Promise
If no metric name is given, then it returns a Promise of an Array of all raw metric JSON objects associated with the experiment. If a metric name is given, then it returns a Promise of an Array of [(interval, metricValue), ...]. If an Array of metric names are given, then it retunrs a Promise of an Object of Arrays of [(interval, metricValue), ...]. If an interval is given, then it uses that field in the above return Arrays.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- various formats (see below)
Access: public
Param | Type | Default | Description |
experimentKey | string |
the experiment key | |
[metricName] | string |
the name of the metric, or Array of metric names | |
[interval] | string |
"'step'" |
the name of the interval |
api.experimentMetric('experimentKey1', 'batch').then(result => { console.log(results); });
api.experimentMetricsForChart(targetsExperiments, metrics, parameters, independentMetrics, fetchFull) ⇒ Promise
Return a Promise of a set of metrics and/or parameters aligned on step values.
Kind: instance method of API
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
targetsExperiments | Array |
an array of experimentKeys |
metrics | string |
[metrics=undefined] the names of the metrics |
parameters | string |
[parameters=undefined] the names of the parameters |
independentMetrics | boolean |
independent, whether to align all of the selection and ignore all but those that match, or get all |
fetchFull | boolean |
full, whether to fetch all metrics (up to 15,000) or a sampled subset (about 500) |
api.experimentMetricsForChart(['5a67221477dc4dc6b38d10adbe41486d']).then(result => { console.log(results); });
{'5a67221477dc4dc6b38d10adbe41486d': {'empty': false, 'epochs': null, 'params': null, 'steps': null, 'experimentKey': "5a67221477dc4dc6b38d10adbe41486d", 'metrics': [{'metricName': "acc", 'values': [], 'steps': [], 'epochs': [], 'timestamps': [], 'values': []}], } } ```
api.experimentAssets(experimentKey) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for an Array of asset JSON objects associated with the experiment.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- array of JSON asset objects
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
experimentKey | string |
the experiment key |
api.experimentAssets('experimentKey1').then(result => { console.log(results); });
[ { "fileName": "", "fileSize": 7, "runConext": "contextA", "step": 12312, "link": "", "createdAt": 1544067813424, "dir": "assets" } ] ```
api.experimentAssetByName(experimentKey, fileName, [returnType]) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for an asset associated with the experiment by its name. If the asset is a JSON file, you can get the contents parsed as JSON data.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- the contents (binary (if Python 3 and returnType
=== 'raw'), string (if Python 2 and returnType === 'raw'), or
JSON if returnType === 'json')
Access: public
Param | Type | Default | Description |
experimentKey | string |
the experiment key | |
fileName | string |
the name of the asset | |
[returnType] | string |
"'raw'" |
the type of data to return |
api.experimentAssetByName('experimentKey1', '').then(result => { console.log(results); });
'the contents of the asset as string (Python 2)'
api.experimentAssetByName('experimentKey1', '').then(result => { console.log(results); });
b'the contents of the asset as binary (Python 3)'
api.experimentAssetByName('experimentKey1', 'file.json', 'json').then(result => { console.log(results); });
{someName: "value of key", someOther: [1, 2, 3]}
api.experimentAssetByName('experimentKey1', '', 'json').then(result => { console.log(results); });
Returns a Promise for a list of curves logged with experiment.
Kind: instance method of API
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
experimentKey | string |
the experiment key |
api.experimentCurves('experimentKey1').then(curves => { console.log(curves); });
[{x: [1, 2, 3], y: [4, 5, 6], name: "mycurve"}, ...] ```
api.experimentAsset(experimentKey, assetId, [returnType]) ⇒ Promise
Returns a Promise for an asset associated with the experiment by its id. If the asset is a JSON file, you can get the contents parsed as JSON data.
Kind: instance method of API
Returns: Promise
- the contents (binary (if Python 3 and returnType
=== 'raw'), string (if Python 2 and returnType === 'raw'), or
JSON if returnType === 'json')
Access: public
Param | Type | Default | Description |
experimentKey | string |
the experiment key | |
assetId | string |
the name of the asset | |
[returnType] | string |
"'raw'" |
the type of data to return |
api.experimentAsset('experimentKey1', '6YZYszn9cO9mhDoYrfuQlDLcE').then(result => { console.log(results); });
'the contents of the asset as string (Python 2)'
api.experimentAsset('experimentKey1', '6YZYszn9cO9mhDoYrfuQlDLcE').then(result => { console.log(results); });
b'the contents of the asset as binary (Python 3)'
api.experimentAsset('experimentKey1', '3873473463782746284762734', 'json').then(result => { console.log(results); });
{someName: "value of key", someOther: [1, 2, 3]}
api.experimentAsset('experimentKey1', '9093487348374873487348731', 'json').then(result => { console.log(results); });, value)¶
Given a key, value pair, save it locally, and send the whole store to the backend. Returns a Promise for the result.
Kind: instance method of API
Access: public
Param | Type |
key | string |
value | string |
```js"text", "This is the text").then(result => { console.log(results); });
Given a key, return a Promise for the value from the backend.
Kind: instance method of API
Access: public
Param | Type |
key | string |
api.getFromStore("text").then(result => { console.log(results); });
Return a Proimse for the store from the backend.
Kind: instance method of API
Access: public
api.getStore().then(result => { console.log(results); });
{"store": "{...}"} ```